Excerpts from one of several translations of the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas:
"These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.
(1) And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."
(2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."...
(8) And he said, "The man is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of small fish. Among them the wise fisherman found a fine large fish. He threw all the small fish back into the sea and chose the large fish without difficulty. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear."...
(30) Jesus said, "Where there are three gods, they are gods. Where there are two or one, I am with him."...
(48) Jesus said, "If two make peace with each other in this one house, they will say to the mountain, 'Move Away,' and it will move away."...
(114) Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life." Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."
torsdag 24 november 2011
tisdag 15 november 2011
I Know How To Explain What Is Going On ;)
Welcome to the human race. Nobody controls his own life... The best you can do is choose to fill the roles given to you by good people, by people who love you. Ender's Game
Follow your passion; the rest will take care of itself.
--Asked & Answered Part 1
I learned something about obsession… I learned it isn’t madness or even foolishness, though madness and foolishness have given it a bad name. How could anyone who wasn’t obsessed compose a symphony or write a thousand-page novel? How could anyone who wasn’t obsessed cross an uncharted ocean in a seventy-foot sailboat?
--After Dachau
Everything is connected... Even when you think it isn't. Sometimes it's obvious, sometimes it's subtle, and sometimes it's paradoxical. It may take generations to see those connections, and longer still to understand them. Or those things may simply come all at once in a flash of insight.
--Taking Wing
Everyone’s life is a mess. Everyone’s. We all make mistakes… and not just little slip-ups. Major mistakes that hurt us and other people. We all go down wrong paths because we don’t know better… or because we’re too lazy, lonely, and afraid to change… No matter how tempting avoidance may be, you have to confront life… If you don’t, your problems just fester. Nothing gets cleaned up. The messes you’ve made just grow worse.
In cyberspace, everybody can hear you dream.
--"Anything Can Happen" web column
Welcome to the human race. Nobody controls his own life... The best you can do is choose to fill the roles given to you by good people, by people who love you. Ender's Game
Follow your passion; the rest will take care of itself.
--Asked & Answered Part 1
I learned something about obsession… I learned it isn’t madness or even foolishness, though madness and foolishness have given it a bad name. How could anyone who wasn’t obsessed compose a symphony or write a thousand-page novel? How could anyone who wasn’t obsessed cross an uncharted ocean in a seventy-foot sailboat?
--After Dachau
Everything is connected... Even when you think it isn't. Sometimes it's obvious, sometimes it's subtle, and sometimes it's paradoxical. It may take generations to see those connections, and longer still to understand them. Or those things may simply come all at once in a flash of insight.
--Taking Wing
Everyone’s life is a mess. Everyone’s. We all make mistakes… and not just little slip-ups. Major mistakes that hurt us and other people. We all go down wrong paths because we don’t know better… or because we’re too lazy, lonely, and afraid to change… No matter how tempting avoidance may be, you have to confront life… If you don’t, your problems just fester. Nothing gets cleaned up. The messes you’ve made just grow worse.
In cyberspace, everybody can hear you dream.
--"Anything Can Happen" web column
måndag 14 november 2011
Telling Someone How You Feel
"Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. Never miss an opportunity to tell people how much they mean to you.Doing so is important because we never know when our lives will end, and we especially never know when the lives of others will end"
söndag 13 november 2011
The Labyrinth
"You are responsible for all of your experiences of life."
This statement is absolutely true but it is somewhat of a trick. The trick is that it does not say "in life" but "of life." You are not responsible for everything that happens to you, but you are responsible for how you react to what does happen to you. The formula is that, "Life acts. You react." Your reaction is under your control. In any life situation you are always responsible for at least one thing. You are always responsible for the attitude towards the situation in which you find yourself. Your attitude is your reaction to what life hands you. You can have either a more positive or a more negative attitude. Your attitude is under your control and can be changed. With the right attitude you can be a resilient person.
Today is perfect. It is a day which cannot be improved upon, unless tou are comparing it with the dead past or the imagined future, neither of which really exist.
This statement is absolutely true but it is somewhat of a trick. The trick is that it does not say "in life" but "of life." You are not responsible for everything that happens to you, but you are responsible for how you react to what does happen to you. The formula is that, "Life acts. You react." Your reaction is under your control. In any life situation you are always responsible for at least one thing. You are always responsible for the attitude towards the situation in which you find yourself. Your attitude is your reaction to what life hands you. You can have either a more positive or a more negative attitude. Your attitude is under your control and can be changed. With the right attitude you can be a resilient person.
Today is perfect. It is a day which cannot be improved upon, unless tou are comparing it with the dead past or the imagined future, neither of which really exist.
lördag 12 november 2011
Diary of Dreams
“And dreams in their development have breath,
And tears, and tortures, and the touch of joy;
They have a weight upon our waking thoughts,
They take a weight from off our waking toils,
They do divide our being.”
Lord Byron
"Es steht die Luft hier in der Schwebe
Als ob der Windhauch nicht mehr lebe
Die Stille schmerzt in meinen Ohren
Ich wünscht' ich hätt' dich nicht verloren" 333)
And tears, and tortures, and the touch of joy;
They have a weight upon our waking thoughts,
They take a weight from off our waking toils,
They do divide our being.”
Lord Byron
"Es steht die Luft hier in der Schwebe
Als ob der Windhauch nicht mehr lebe
Die Stille schmerzt in meinen Ohren
Ich wünscht' ich hätt' dich nicht verloren" 333)
fredag 11 november 2011
My Treasured Friend
Treasured friend, I’m glad I found you;
Our friendship is a gift we share.
I can be myself around you,
Safe in your love and care.
I miss you when you’re out of sight;
Our friendship bond was meant to be.
I think of you with great delight;
You’re almost part of me.
Through fun and fears, play and tears,
We help each other heal and grow.
I prize our time--the days, the years,
More than you can know.
Just harmony for me and you,
The two of us--a perfect blend.
I’ll cherish you my whole life through,
My dear and treasured friend.
By Joanna Fuchs
Our friendship is a gift we share.
I can be myself around you,
Safe in your love and care.
I miss you when you’re out of sight;
Our friendship bond was meant to be.
I think of you with great delight;
You’re almost part of me.
Through fun and fears, play and tears,
We help each other heal and grow.
I prize our time--the days, the years,
More than you can know.
Just harmony for me and you,
The two of us--a perfect blend.
I’ll cherish you my whole life through,
My dear and treasured friend.
By Joanna Fuchs
torsdag 10 november 2011
What is the Truth?
You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. - Jesus Christ
If you think you're free, there's no escape possible. ~Ram Dass
In summary, Truth is a healer; we are saved by truth. Truth has the power to bring peace and joy to us and the entire world—what everyone desires.
If you think you're free, there's no escape possible. ~Ram Dass
In summary, Truth is a healer; we are saved by truth. Truth has the power to bring peace and joy to us and the entire world—what everyone desires.
onsdag 9 november 2011
Jung Land
Выражаясь метафорически, бессознательное находится в таком же положении, как и человек, увидевший или испытавший нечто необычное и желающий поделиться своими впечатлениями с другими людьми. Но так как то, с чем он столкнулся, никогда еще не было сформулировано с помощью понятий, ему не хватает средств для того, чтобы выразить это. В подобной ситуации человек обычно предпринимает многократные попытки объяснить случившееся. Пытаясь вызвать у слушателей ответную реакцию, он интуитивно использует аналогии с уже известными фактами, дополняет и развивает свою точку зрения до тех пор, пока не убедится в том, что его поняли правильно".
К. Г. Юнг
К. Г. Юнг
tisdag 8 november 2011
Magic lies in challenging what seems impossible.
Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The second principle of magic: things which have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance after the physical contact has been severed.
James G. Frazer
You do it for the highs, when you're totally engrossed and everything's flowing and whatever you want, you get. It's like magic. That's why you play the game. That's what it's for. That's why you work.
Greg Rusedski
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The second principle of magic: things which have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance after the physical contact has been severed.
James G. Frazer
You do it for the highs, when you're totally engrossed and everything's flowing and whatever you want, you get. It's like magic. That's why you play the game. That's what it's for. That's why you work.
Greg Rusedski
måndag 7 november 2011
Doing the right thing at the right time
“When you are inspired by some great purpose,
some extraordinary project,
all your thoughts break their bonds:
Your mind transcends limitations,
your consciousness expands in every direction,
and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world.
Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive,
and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far
than you ever dreamed yourself to be.
That is because the universe has a plan for you
and by aligning yourself with that plan,
you will synchronize your actions
with the divine flow of events.
You will find yourself doing the right thing
at the right time, in the right place
where the resources or opportunities you require
are already arranged to be there.
You simply step right in."
some extraordinary project,
all your thoughts break their bonds:
Your mind transcends limitations,
your consciousness expands in every direction,
and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world.
Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive,
and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far
than you ever dreamed yourself to be.
That is because the universe has a plan for you
and by aligning yourself with that plan,
you will synchronize your actions
with the divine flow of events.
You will find yourself doing the right thing
at the right time, in the right place
where the resources or opportunities you require
are already arranged to be there.
You simply step right in."
söndag 6 november 2011
Looking for Answers in Life? Here's your Key..
Think of five moments in your life when everything flowed.
All was good, and you found yourself the happiest you’ve ever been. Everything just clicked.
Write it down.
Describe those moments in as much detail as you possibly can. What happened? Where were you? How old were you? Who was with you? What were you doing?
Bring yourself back to those very moments as much as you can, right down to the smell in the air.
See? You’re already feeling happier. But you’re not finished yet.
fredag 4 november 2011
Lost 4ever ^!^
“Has two brains; one is lost and the other is out looking for it”
“I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.” Vincent van Goth >)
A Journey of Self Discovery ...
Discover Who You Are
“I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.” Vincent van Goth >)
A Journey of Self Discovery ...
Discover Who You Are
torsdag 3 november 2011
Att vara eller icke vara, det är frågan :)
Tack för idag! Jag fick Magikern (I):)
Magikern står för kreativitet, självförtroende och självständighet. Det du tänker skapar du. När du drar detta kort står det för att det är dags att lita på din kunskap. Gör något av din kraft. Du har själv ansvar för ditt liv och att det är upp till dig själv vad du gör av allt. Fråga dig: Vad vill jag? Hur vill jag använda mina begåvningar? Se till att inte bli offer och göra som alla andra vill. Du manifesterar det du tänker och detta gör också att du måste vara försiktigt med vad du tänker om dig själv. Detta är ett kort för egen företagare, och nya projekt.
Magikern står för kreativitet, självförtroende och självständighet. Det du tänker skapar du. När du drar detta kort står det för att det är dags att lita på din kunskap. Gör något av din kraft. Du har själv ansvar för ditt liv och att det är upp till dig själv vad du gör av allt. Fråga dig: Vad vill jag? Hur vill jag använda mina begåvningar? Se till att inte bli offer och göra som alla andra vill. Du manifesterar det du tänker och detta gör också att du måste vara försiktigt med vad du tänker om dig själv. Detta är ett kort för egen företagare, och nya projekt.
tisdag 1 november 2011
Domine dirige nos (latin: Herre, led oss).
I have found power in the mysteries of thought, exaltation in the changing of the Muses ... I have been versed in the reasonings of men but Fate is stronger than anything I have known. – Euripides
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